This game is fine, but it has a few problems. When I started the training mode I actually thought it would help me train, but no it's just the same as every other mode, a random level is picked for you and you either beat it or you don't. Really barebone training mode indeed.
Also holding down the escape key to leave that screen without any hint that what I'm doing works should be criminal, I was this close to refresh the page. Yeah it does work for anyone playing, you have to wait like what 3 seconds? A visual hint or just making it go to the main menu ASAP would have spared me some frustration esp since I've had problems before where games just wouldn't work properly with some keys, worst offenders are TAB and ALT BTW. Anyways this aspect of the game's bad for anybody playing the game first time, fix it.
The character is slippery and floaty, and yes I do mean really slippery even outside ice levels. Man do I love running into spikes or jumping over a platform. The character should be more tight than it currently is TBFH. Super Meat Boy has better controls than this. I got the hang of it somewhat, but really hate anything involving precision platforming in this game because it almost never goes well.
There are some levels I'm 100% sure are impossible, I could prolly figure this out on my own if the training mode let me play those damn levels over and over again instead of selecting a completely random level each time.
In addition to the above, it took me several attempts to realise that there is some hidden game mechanic in this game. Holding the jump buttom allows me to do a short jump on those trampolines, would've been great knowing this via the training mode or even a small comment in the description. So again maybe the levels aren't impossible I have just no damn idea how to finish them.
On top of all that the game has lag spikes, neat.
To recap:
-Bad nonexistent tutorial.
-Input feedback is nonexistent when it should be there.
-Controls are unprecise, despite the level design requiring precise platforming.
-All the bullshit above compounds into some levels that simply look impossible to beat at all.
-Oh and lag spikes of course.
This screams very first game ever made in terms of general game design, totally abysmal.
Tho that wouldn't be noice of me to just leave 2 stars when I can see a ton of efforts were put into it, I actually liked the music and graphics. Although I criticised the controls, the climbing is pretty much the only thing that's working well. It's tight, responsive and most of the time I died it was either due to the timer giving me pressure making me jump off my wall like a moron or because some levels have wall-jumping, with the floaty crap jump these can go rot in hell for all I care. The level design for what it's worth is good in a vacuum, each level is unique in its own way.