Brutally honest, if any of my reviews upset you, consider this https://youtu.be/YQbMtvQowX0
If you got mad by a review made for some1 else then that's for you https://youtu.be/zEAStIBmNUs
Besides that, shoutout to Top Hat Gaming Man and The Spiffing Brit.


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CyberRobotnix's News

Posted by CyberRobotnix - April 18th, 2023

I have saved a ton of reddit bookmarks for posts I really liked over the years and since I'm cleaning up my laptop I'm dumping the best ones here.

They're there maybe because they're informative, funny, interesting, outrageous and need to be seen by everyone or just because I feel like it.

Also some of these might be political.










https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/31p1tx/furry_rant_thread_got_any_issues_with_the_fandom/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicDepravities/comments/slwswx/today_on_classic_depravities_of_the_internet/






















https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/m46d96/among_us_cave_lush_and_no_lush/ Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnjQsmGJ0TY

















https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/7a6skv/ (There's a racial slur in the URL, so I had to trim it out, but the post is about a black person experiencing racism in America and getting called racial slurs)




https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/lvwuas/when_i_mistake_a_trash_bin_for_the_among_us_crew/ Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7kRn993mos





Related: https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3p9yg/artist-banned-from-art-reddit + https://www.pcgamer.com/artist-banned-from-art-subreddit-because-their-work-looked-ai-generated/







Stuff related to Squid Games:





Stuff related to Vic Mignogna:




















https://www.reddit.com/user/Anna-mator/ (Garfield)



Amogus China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQALjoTZbTg&t=0s / https://www.reddit.com/r/amogus/comments/yqmyn9/so_basically/




Also since I know some of these subreddits were shutdown, some of these links may not work!

In other NEWS!

I hope I can restart making videos on youtube, my laptop is a little weak for editing stuff. I have vids I've left on my laptop and forgot to upload, maybe I should upload them eventually, but IDK I haven't liked being on youtube for a good while, it just sucks nowadays.



Posted by CyberRobotnix - April 11th, 2023

It sucks see ya all tomorrow.

Alright I'll give you an actual explanation why it sucks, take it or leave it, but I won't be buying the blu-ray or DVD when it comes out, fuck that TBH.

The story:

It makes no sense from the very first few minutes of the movie all the way 'til the end.

So first it starts with Bowser lifting his entire castle or kingdom or island or UFO I don't even fucking know to the north pole to bully the penguins, but why doesn't he uses his airships? Anyways who cares, he went there to steal the palace's treasure (Aight sorry, but first thing to come to mind was Persona 5.) and then bail out. It's a power star and if you've ever played any Mario game you'd know how stupid this is, he treats it like Eggman treats the Chaos Emeralds. Also he captures all the penguins, you follow me we good?

Then it goes to the Mario bros they're looking to do plumbing for a living so the funny ahah advert is for this, then they get bullied by some fuck named Spike and then he gets a call to fix some rich fucks their toilets so they try to go there by minitruck and it doesn't work, so they go by foot and whilst Mario is a parkour expert, luigi is behind following him. They get to the house, but Luigi accidentally steps on the dog's bone which breaks (BTW it's not the sort of thing soft enough to break I'd know) the dog wants to get its revenge on them, so it then causes them more trouble by getting into the toilets with the bros and ramming head first into the sink, I won't describe the entire scene, but anyways.

After a boring bit with the bros meeting their parents for dinner they then try to save Brooklyn from a flood caused by a plumbing problem, so eventually they find a green pipe and Mario ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom whilst Luigi ends up in world 8 from New Super Mario Bros DS. And blah blah all of that shit after is too boring for me to care describing it. I'll just go straight to the ending to explain why the star is fucking stupid. Well so when Mario and Luigi steal it from Bowser they turn invincible with superhuman strength. Yeah it's literally a super star, not even the power stars like the ones from SM64, a damn super star. Bowser had plenty of opportunities to use it, but didn't do it because this movie fucking hates him. Also I don't get how the rainbow in the movie can break esp via a blue shell since that never happens in Mario Kart.

Oh and did I forget to mention there's vore in the movie? Mario and Donkey Kong get eaten by an Eel.

The characters:

They suck.

Mario: They made him a bumbling idiot that can't do anything right. Literally at the beginning he can do parkour just fine, but when he's being trained by Peach he jumps and falls into the fucking water immediately.

Luigi: They cranked his cowardice all the way to 100, Luigi is never scared unless it's a haunted house he has to go into.He's even more useless than Mario BTW, if Mario is a bumbling idiot, Luigi is a useless nobody in this movie, he never does anything and even in Brooklyn he has to catch up to Mario. So dumb and gay TBH.

Peach: The "strong female protagonist" and that should be a good thing right, except she canonically gets kidnapped all the fucking times in the games. They changed her personality to be more manly to appeal to the SJW crowd. It's not nearly as drastic as other shit films because atleast she isn't an eccentric (Ghostbusters 2016) and she isn't a misandrist (Captain Marvel), so I'll give the movie that. Peach is better than other "strong female protagonists" from Hollywood.

Toad (you know which one): By far the best character and my favourite one in the entire movie. Always tries to be helpful, doesn't slow down the plot, very positive and ongoing. He gives good vibes. He's cool, too bad he's just there to advance the plot near the end, he should've listened to Peach and tailed off.

Bowser: He probs had it the worst out of any character, they turned him from a bad guy with a purpose in all his misdeeds (Like Ralph from Wreck in Ralph in a way.) into a Disney villain. Like forreal in Super Mario Odyssey he has a frenemy relationship with Mario at the very end. In M&L vore story he saves the world. In Super Paper Mario he also saves the world. Bowser would never kill a bunch of ppl in front of Peach, never cuz it's fucking retarded.


They also manage to make him look like a cartoony ass character when he obsesses over Peach and marrying her, it's cringe. Plenty of secondhand embarassment from this dude alone. He also wants to marry her in the games, but it's alot more healthy than in the movie. He kidnaps her and that's it, he doesn't roleplay with Kamek pretending to marry her.

Donkey Kong: Honestly a funny comedy relief frenemy character, but with that out of the way I don't get how Mario and DK don't know each other already when his schtick was to kidnap Pauline and yes she shows up in the movie too.

Spike (Wrecking Crew guy): Just the stereotypical Hollywood film bully, you've seen him in Back from the Future, he shows up in Harry Potter and makes another guest appearance in It. Holy shit please kill this character archetype, please!

I didn't expect anything special TBFH. This is on par with the Sonic Movie and Detective Pikachu, it's overhyped garbage you watch once and then you're done with it forever.

I'll also let someone else speak about that trash heap if you want a more thorough review IDK.


Oh actually, if you don't want to even see the movie, someone sums it up in a vid:




Posted by CyberRobotnix - April 3rd, 2023

So someone wrote a fanfiction about Harry Styles it then became a movie, but because it was portraying Harry as an abuser, it got a lot of shit for it.






Sites like Kiwi Farms weirdly don't have any info on it, but TBH I don't really care about it either. It'd be better just to keep a permanent note somewhere that this happened incase someone wants to research it for whatever reason.


Posted by CyberRobotnix - March 30th, 2023

It's tomorrow and I had something planned for it. It somewhat relates to this: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1522847

Here's a preview.


I still don't know if I should post it to the art portal or just my gallery. Even if I'm not scouted it's going to be seen by more people if I put it on the art portal, but I'm not totally sure if it's good enough for it. Hell I actually reused some graphics I had for a comic. (the Ben Shapiro down there is actually from a comic I made eons ago)


I really don't want to be banned from the portal over a meme poster, so that's why I'm on edge about this. It would've helped to ask in the art forum.

BTW for those who want to ask, no I didn't buy the domain oldgrounds.com just for the meme, so it's still listed as available, but that's also been taken into account for tomorrow.



Posted by CyberRobotnix - December 26th, 2022

(Make sure to go all the way down the post to see the updates if they're there OFC)

I literally just got banned for "Argumentative BS stemming from 4-days ago. See you in the new year."

The rationale is fucking hilarious too, first it implies I was bringing an unrelated argument when the post was made, it was also literally 4 hours ago, not 4 days ago.

Even then what does that have to do with anything? I literally just called him autistic for doing something insane, I see other people do it and they don't get banned for it.

This is the post that got me banned BTW, it then got deleted:


Also reason number 2 is equally as hilarious, I was apparently being argumentative. I'm not going to go thru FunkBRs' post history SJW-style just to find it, but I recall that he was stirring the pot intentionally when someone died. Literally gravedancing, he didn't get banned for it. It's not like Donald Trump or Hitler died either, it was the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh and Funk had a personal beef against him, claiming that dude ruined his childhood. A few months later, he made a whole ass bait thread just to spite that one dude, this is way more time than "4 days ago" like on my ban. If this isn't rulebreaking, how is my post rulebreaking?

More recently, Dingleberry Clock got a whole thread locked because he was having a spat only because some people were saying that objective morality exists. He called me a Christsucker, not very cash money of you bro. Literally namecalling here.


Why the fuck do I get banned for basically the same thing (Calling someone a retard) when they never got banned for bullshitting threads in the forums? Or insulting?

1 last thing that happened literally this month was a troll thread by an alt account called C0LAF3TI5H that was just titled "NG is full of liberals, neckbeards and incels. CHANGE MY MIND.", it didn't get locked right away, but also it kept being bumped by people who just took the bait and replied to this dude. He didn't get banned for posting this, but if I made a similar thread I'm sure I'd get banned right away and the thread would get deleted instantly.

Can't I be a little bit edgy on a forum full of edgelords who make troll threads, insult me sometimes and derail threads to the point they have to get locked? Even if what I posted was against the rules, you can't just enforce them on me, but nobody else, you enforce the rules on everyone or these rules shouldn't be there.

Funny part is it's always TurkeyOnAStick who bans me, I repeat always. Literally the same mod who tried to cancel another BBS user for an offensive tweet he's made that had nothing to do with the convo at all, even admitting refusing to read into the actual conversation and the screenshots on there. It's obvious he's got a problem w/ me and several other users on the BBS, why is he a mod? Someone told me Funk used to be a mod, but he got demodded for "behaviour issues" or whatever. I'm hoping the same thing to happens to this guy because that's gross behaviour.

Update 08/01/2023:

To confirm what I had in mind above, I actually contacted Turkey first to report someone's extreme shitposting.


Here's each link from the screenshot down there. You be the judge, but it's real damning evidence of rulebreaking:




And I wasn't fucking kidding with what I said in this DM since I got banned from the BBS for less than that.

To show that he wasn't banned since I didn't hear back from Turkey, I took a screenshot of Crowless' recent posts, he was still posting long after I contacted Turkey so he didn't get banned and that mod just doesn't care what he was doing.


He only cares when I step out of line, but nobody else matters in his mind. Isn't that crazy?

On an unrelated note this dude is dense, apparently he got banned from the art portal and he started immediately sending me DMs accusing me. Mate I was going to report you to the forum staff, but apparently other people have reported you too. WTF are you doing with your life, go outside.


UPDATE 27/01/2023:

This one will be short, but when someone necroposted a random post and added nothing to the discussion, Turkey did nothing to him, but when I reply to him, Turkey deletes my reply. Yeah it's small compared to everything before, but might aswell be worth a mention as a reminder, basically repeating the fact that this mod holds a grudge against me and a few other forum-goers.

For context it was in the politics forum and based on what Tom Fulps say the quality of discussion is to be held at a higher standard there supposedly atleast.

https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1501245/5#bbspost27619311_post_text This breaks the second paragraph on Tom Fulps' rules. I'm sure I'd get banned if I did that.

https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1500159#bbspost27619329_post_text He basically tells him to shut the fuck and has a meltdown. I'm sure I'd get banned if I did that.

Also mini-update related to previous update, but Crowless eventually got banned from NG as a whole, his entire account was evaporated. Turkey literally refused to forum-ban a hooligan who'd eventually get banned from the entire site, just think about that.

That's all.

UPDATE 04/03/2023:

Nothing that has to do with me, rather I want to signal boost someone else's post.


Drunk Gecko is being unfairly banned exactly like me for things that are completely stupid and definitely not worth a ban over. Recently he was accused of causing drama just for pointing out that someone was acting retarded. mmh Déjà-vu isn't it?

Nobody would have to call anyone out if they didn't swarm the BBS with garbage like I'm not going to pretend NoobClock666 is the only one to blame here, same goes to Funkbrs for his own shitposts, but I'd like to never hear of either of them because they really add nothing constructive to the site.

Malachy you're being fucking cringe right now, I just want to let you know that. Get over yourself.

UPDATE 21/03/2023:


DrunkGecko was again unfairly banned by him go figure.


Also he decided to leave Newgrounds because of Mist, a furry, flat-earther, pedo who hates him. Dumb cunt has even sent me DMs just to tell me DrunkGecko is sick and stuff. Apparently, that was enough to convince some peeps.

Here's what DrunkGecko had to say lately.


Ironically enough, this is another example of the golden double standard™. I've seen people joke about porn and sex on Newgrounds more than I did any other site.

Let him say whatever the hell he wants dude. Let him shitpoast in peace or atleast hold everyone accountable, it's not hard to enforce a rule for everybody.

I really don't think I'm next in line to be Malachy's punching bag, but still holy shit cringe. I heard other people have problems with this mod, so he still got plenty of people to be annoying to.

UPDATE 22/03/2023:

Guyz I mad a smol coolag plz tell me how gud it is.


Joking aside, I still remember when Turkey deleted one of my comments for alluding to him and I'm pretty sure I also got banned once for alluding to Pudgie because she was either annoying/seeking attention or saying stuff that's delusional at the time. The post I was replying to in the first screenshot was also alluding to people like Pudgie because they're children, but anyways that's not the point.

Why am I not allowed to allude to people I find annoying, but Marcus49 is allowed to allude to DingleberryClock and I guess me any day of the week? (Yes he holds a grudge against me because I made him look like an ass in public once which he blocked me for I think, all because he was insulting someone else BTW.) Infact he got called out by Dingleberry immediately after and was then yelling "Stop stalking me.", dude that's not stalking, he's using a public forum like you do right now.

It's worth repeating ad nauseam, so I bet if I acted like he did RN I would get banned from the BBS, but he didn't get banned (not even a slap on the wrists) for acting like a twat and trying to take the piss out of random people online which I'm sure are part of written or unwritten rules onsite, atleast they're rules enforced on me but no other perp ever.

mini-Update 26/03/2023:


Bruh, can't even express myself on the forums. I literally broke no rules at all and my comment still got deleted. Thanks-a-lot Turkey, or whoever did this.

Update 30/03/2023:


If you would stop deleting my fucking comments and stop banning me over the most banal and unjust shit ever that I know for fucking sure others on the forums would unironically write in full, then this post would've never been made and it would've never been updated for this long. You made me do this dude and you aren't the only mod on the BBS that's being a problem here.

And those account you're speaking of, it's been eons ago! Hell some of the websites I got banned from like Twitter have a reputation for banning out of the blue and sometimes for no reason. Hell there have even been leftists on Twitter who whined for getting banned from the website. You are a leftist, you could get banned esp right now since it's no longer Jack in charge, but Elon Musk instead. It's a stupid argument, why do you even care for things that have happened 5 to 6 years ago!

The website you literally got that info from is a personal blog run by a keyboard warrior sperg who hates me and even tried to fucking doxx me once. Do you really think you should go and take that information from this one dude who was extremely online at some point? The very same website has a nasty article on the LGBT community that hasn't been updated because the dude who runs this glorified blog went AWOL. YOu can go read it right now, just go to the search bar and type "LGBT" or "LGBT trolls".

Hell want to hear another fun fact about that website? It itself got banned from a hosting site called Miraheze, for all the petty shite you're giving me for being banned from some sites years ago, the site you're parading has also gotten banned before with the dude who made it and I'm not going to namedrop him, but you'd know who because he edited the majority of the articles, his name is everywhere on the website. So yes his Miraheze account also got banned for abusing multiple accounts. Just stop being a douchebag and I'll stop ever updating this. You're not even living rent free, I don't ever think about you until you treat me like garbage for speaking.

On the 22/03/2023 update of this post, I also talked about how I couldn't allude to anyone, but others could. Ironically you alluded to me here for whatever reason because you got a fucking problem with me. I honestly hope Tom Fulp does something about you the same way Seth and DrunkGecko would've hoped he did something about Malachy.

PS: To anybody else reading, the website has a bunch more things written out about me to smear my name, so I really don't want to link it there if it's going to be used to attack me. Like it literally unironically calls me a robot fucker at some point in the article and even tries to make me out to be an alt-righter which isn't even true, I fucking hate those guys.

If staff or another mod I can trust wants to read the article I'll send them the link gladly, the article's a bunch of old shit from angsty edgy teenager me and the fact Turkey just doesn't even care and will use anything to hurt me should speak more of his character. You're disgusting dude, I've said it once when you were bullying someone else on the forum over something that was totally offtopic and I'm not afraid to repeat myself here, you've got a problem dude.



Posted by CyberRobotnix - November 11th, 2022

In Friday Night Fuckin', they do be raping. 😳



Posted by CyberRobotnix - November 2nd, 2022

That was back when I had an account on da:


FYI I never interacted with that dude before, so it's crazy that he got my personality right even though other ppl I speak to everyday on websites and IRL don't even come close to this accurate. I guess people on the interwebs just think I'm an arsehole, but that's not true at all.

It's been years since then, I've always kept this screenshot because this touched me so much. How hard is it to guess someone's personality based on drawings alone?



Posted by CyberRobotnix - October 20th, 2022


Sorry had to share it, it's so funny.

Attribution is on the image itself.



Posted by CyberRobotnix - August 8th, 2022

Append this line of text to the URL of whatever Flash game you're on: "/format/flash?emulate=flash"

It might not work because it's only emulating Flash stuff and I think it only normally shows up if the game is properly supported, but anyways it was worth a try.
