You need to either scale down on the difficulty or give the player more ways to knock out enemies.
In Mario Bros. enemies get knocked out by jumping against the platform they're standing on and then by running into them. Simple and easy. In this game, to kill the enemies you must first throw a box at them and then you must go to the box's designated door and boom they're dead assuming they didn't have time to recover. It's a problem. Oh BTW that's not all, there's yet another caveat to this mess, if you either miss your shots with the box or you hit the enemy, but it drops further down than it should because there was a hole or something, it damages it all the same as if the player was carrying it and took a hit from an enemy. Also if the timer runs out or the box breaks it costs you a life, so uh good luck guys.
I think the worst part of the game must be the snails, except when they're turned the opposite direction of the player it's fucking impossible to deal with them. They're functionally identical to the crabs, but the crabs atleast can't catch the player immediately after turning aggro cos they're always on a floor above the player.
Honestly I think the only saving grace to this confusion is that it's not an instadeath like in Mario Bros. All taking a hit does is like I said it damages the box and if the player isn't carrying any, it lowers the timer, but still it's brutal hard esp when the enemies start swarming the screen because you can't kill them quickly enough.
I still somehow survived 8 trips, so either I must be real damn good at Mario Bros. altho I never played it before or my quick learning came in handy for this game.
It's still a good game, it's just so cringe that it's so frustrating.